The registration process must be completed by all Mustang Band & Guard Members for the 2024-2025 Season. This form will ensure that all necessary items are ordered on time.

If form is completed after May 31, 2024, orders may be subject to additional shipping charges.

Registration Forms:

Please make sure to download and complete all the necessary registration forms.

The links to the forms can be found here: 24-25 Registration Forms

Band and Guard Fees are split into two areas.

FEE #1: Charms fees will pay for items ordered that go through our Booster Club.

Because merchandise items must be purchased over the summer, all CHARMS fees are to be paid first, with Skyward fees being paid once CHARMS fees have been paid in full. ALL band fees (Charms & Skyward) should be paid in full by December 2024 unless arrangements have been made with Mrs. Taylor and the Booster Treasurer.

FEE #2: Skyward fees are assessed through Skyward and must be paid to Sachse High School.

The SKYWARD fees cover all contest entry fees for both individual and group entries to contests and festivals throughout the year. These fees also pay for music, transportation, accompanist fees, and other miscellaneous items throughout the year.

Select your student’s role in the Mustang Band & Guard

Returning Members

New Members